Ned Nuckledd = President Elect
Pons Maninoff = Ned's cousin
Job Bythen = Lame Duck President
Loralie DeSilva (LorDee) = VP Elect
Tigger Quarrelsome = reporter/opinionator
Cabala Harrassed = liberal loser
The scene opens with Ned and the former president, Job Bythen, standing outside of the Oval Office.
Pons: (stepping over from stage right) Thank you Mr. President for meeting us here today.
Job: You know, I still work here.
Tigger: (sliding in from stage left) So good to meet you both here today. You have pulled off the crime of the century by stealing the Presidency from Ronald JJ Rump.
Cabala: (stepping out from behind a large potted plant in a long towel) Excuse me, Gentlemen. Does anyone here know where the showers are?
Tigger: (chuckling) You can find them down this long hallway, past those large blowing floor fans and next to the smoking area.
Pons: That’s odd.
Ned: Sure tis. Thar shunt be no smokin’ in this here ‘stablishmen.
Pons: We should send someone down there and shut down those smokers.
Ned: Heck man, I’m the predsodent a these here Ignited States a Merica.
Job: You know. I still work here.
Pons: Did you want to break up the smoking area, Mr. Bythen?
Job: You know. I still work here.
Ned: I gotta say, Mister Predsodent, ya seem ta be off yer feed a peck.
Pons: He might need some more sleep, Ned.
LorDee: (walking past in a familiar-looking towel) Hello, Boys. I cobbed this towel off some lost-looking lady in the shower.
Pons: Was it the VP?
LorDee: I am the VP.
Ned: I am da P.
Pons: You sure are, Ned.
Ned: Okeedokee then. I’m on my way ta break up that there smokin; gang.
Pons: Don’t inhale, Ned.
Ned: (winks and heads down the hallway)
Pons: The game is on, People!
To be continued...