- The Priests Who Cried Wolfby michaelcahill
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Valerius take Travis away, the priests look for Julia.
Vision and Sound: Their Stories
: The Priests Who Cried Wolf by michaelcahill

Two soul mates live various lifetimes. In spite of often impossible circumstances they attempt to connect with each other

Previously, Rastavius visited Abramus and Cassius looking for Julia, Florentina and the missing family from the other village. The conversation became tense and heated as Abramus and Cassius realized the priests sought them to remove demons from them and there was no debating the issue. Cassius tried to beat them to Julia and the others by taking a route off the main road. The three priests were headed back in the direction which would take them by where Julia and the others were hiding. In the other village, Valerius has arrived to examine Father Travis and found Cicero to be a zealot much like Leopold. We continue now as Valerius examines Father Travis in the other village.

~~~~~~~Valerius examines Father Travis

Valerius smiled at the suspicious manner in which Father Travis regarded him. "Do you find me to be in league with some great conspiracy? I sense you feel me untrustworthy."
"It has become second nature to me. Father Cicero has found me to be a burden of late. He has not been the same since traveling to the big city and visiting Rastavius." Travis cocked his head to the side looking for a reaction.
"Ah, I see. Rastavius is a name I have heard often of late. He seems to stir up fervor in those he consults with. Is such the case with Father Cicero?" Valerius put his hand to his chin and pursed his lips.
"Yes! That is it exactly. He came back filled with notions of demons and possession. He thinks I am possessed and anyone who sneezes too loudly to have had a demon enter them. He is not the same man I knew. He drove a perfectly decent family out of the village. He beat their son without mercy." Travis put his hand to his mouth and looked around rapidly as though fearing someone might catch him speaking such words.
"Fear not. I am no friend to Cicero or disciple of Rastavius and his ilk. I am a physician. I treat illness, illness of the body and mind. Yes, a mind can become ill just as a body. A limb can break and be healed. A mind is no different in my view. Many physicians have thought the same and have had success treating the illnesses that plague the mind. Hippocrates, Galen, men like these were once revered. Now, it is men like Rastavius who seem to hold sway. I do not abide with such thinking."
"Bless you. I am at ease. I fear that Rastavius has the ear of the military. It is a battle I fear is unwinnable." Travis seemed relieved and weary.
"There are many ways to wage war, my friend, many ways." Another ally. Yet, another to protect as well. I must speak to Gregorio, he will have advice. "What would you say to leaving here for a short time? I think it might be worthwhile to visit the big city. I have an ally in the physician, Gregorio there. He does have some power and stands up to Rastavius or so it seems."
"I'm not sure what Cicero's reaction might be, but it would force his hand. He brings you to declare me in good health to further his claims of my possession. If I am healthy then I must be possessed. It stands to reason, at least by his way of thinking. A treatable ailment might be just the thing to waylay his plans. I'd have to be cured, of course, for his plan to move forward."
"Is there danger of such a plan being successful? You are sound of mind, I can attest to that."
"He sways the village against me. A man accused falls under suspicion regardless. It is the nature of accusation. Innocence takes a back seat and even exoneration carries less weight in many cases. Justice is fleeting, condemnation is most assertive and crowd pleasing I'm sorry to say."
Valerius nodded his head in agreement. "I have seen as much in my short years. I will make my recommendation under authority of my office then. I believe I know exactly how to present my case in a way Cicero will be hard pressed to deny."

~~~~~~~Valerius approaches Cicero

Cicero seemed to sense the purpose of Valerius. He motioned him in to the rectory. "Tea? I've brewed some just recently and it is still hot."
"I would enjoy a cup, yes."
Cicero poured the tea with some urgency as though it were a task to perform. He set the tea in front of Valerius and spoke without mentioning it, ”I take it you have news of my friend?"
Valerius picked up his tea and sipped it. He savored it and took his time as though he were answering Cicero's lack of hospitality. "This is quite good. Thank you kindly, Cicero." He took another sip and placed the cup down gently. "Yes, I think you were wise in your assessment of your friend's health. He does appear to be in need of treatment. I feel his condition is treatable and most likely curable. Often as a man reaches advanced years, they eat a less nutritious diet that depletes the body of necessary ingredients that promote vitality. Such appears to be the case with Father Petrus. I can't be certain that the herbs and potions I can provide him will clear up his mental faculties, but I suspect they will."
"Then you notice deficiencies in his mental capacities." Cicero seemed surprised, as he had fabricated the condition of Travis to gain power in the village. "It is good to know you may be able to assist him. Must you take him to your village for treatment?"
"Yes, there is an abundance of the root I need to treat him near my Father's home. I believe it to be most beneficial in restoring health to a weakened mind. Exercise of the mind can be beneficial as well. The great physician, Galen practiced the application of music to restore agility to the mind. I am a musician as well as a physician. I would like to try and apply Galen's theory in this case. The herbal remedy I plan to utilize will be of immediate benefit if my suspicions are correct."
Cicero clearly had misgivings about Travis leaving the village, but the argument of Valerius seemed legitimate and sensible. He could think of no plausible reason to deny his friend needed treatment. "Will he be long? He is much loved here."
"No, I am planning little more than an initial observation. If it is effective, I will return with medicine and instructions for its use. One never knows, but I am expecting him to be home in no more than three day's time." Valerius stared at Cicero, pressuring him for an answer with his unblinking eyes.
"Indeed, whatever you need. Travis will be in good hands. May your treatment be a success. May my friend return with his former energy."
Valerius shook hands with Cicero. "We'll see you soon. Pray I am able to help."
Cicero nodded his head slightly.
Valerius and Travis were on their way within the hour.
Valerius spoke to Travis, "I'm feeling that I should go home before we visit the big city. I can't explain it. Julia needs me. We must hurry."
~~~~~~~Cassius finds Julia in the forest
"Hush. Everyone. A horse." The Oracle hunched down and spoke in a whisper.
"It's Cassius; he's the only one who knows we are here." Julia stood erect and looked in the direction of the sound. "Okay, everyone take cover. I will see who it is."
The horse and its rider came into view. Cassius rode with a determination, looking left and right. Julia stood out from behind her hiding place and waved her arms. Cassius caught sight of her and rode to her position.
"Cassius, you ride with such purpose. Is all well?"
"Yes, I come to warn you though. It is Rastavius in the carriage. I don't need to tell you what Valerius has already told of his ways in the big city. Leopold acts as though he is in a trance in his presence. The young priest bustles about like a young pup as yet untrained. They come this way no doubt moments behind me. Where are the others?"
As if they had heard the conversation, the others emerged from hiding and approached the two of them.
~~~~~~~~Leopold on the road with Rastavius
Leopold listened as Cervantes told him to stop.
"I saw Cassius on horseback enter the forest from the east. I'm sure it was him. He rode with great haste." Cervantes was shaking with excitement like a hound at a rabbit hole.
Rastavius came forward from the back of the carriage. "They are in the forest then, hiding or seeking a place to hide. One or the other, it matters not. They must be near."
"Secure the carriage. We will confront them. They will be given every opportunity to receive cleansing. We don't wish to escalate these matters. This is for their benefit and the benefit of their family and friends." Leopold, sword in hand, strode towards the forest.
Rastavius followed, his knife was sheathed. Cervantes had a knife as well; it was well hidden in the folds of his raiments.
As the three priests disappeared into the forest, the sound of wolves howling pierced the stillness of the air.


Author Notes
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.


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