Comment from
Jan Anderegg
I found it difficult to follow your thoughts throughout this. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems very "choppy" which distracts the reader.
A suggestion below:
Once you're seated (add comma) escape afflictions, take detouring path from had problems, all gained by you reading these told poetic stories, filling up moments between spots here to there.
Comment Written 17-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 19-Jul-2016
Many of my writes hold these grammar lacks in my works, thanks to friends like you new revisions lessen those pits. Thanking you for generous rate and welcomed thoughts.
Comment from
Ah! You can well take me on a relaxing, enjoyable mystery tour momentarily, but not defocus me from the challenges of my path and destiny! I need God new life-creating Word power to guide the way for me, and this week just a solitary spontaneous poem posted on FanStory has been vital for clarifying and empowering the weeks ahead. Thank you for adding to that, Maureen*&*
Comment Written 16-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 19-Jul-2016
Glad write gave you lift up upon your ladder. Thanking you for your support to this project and guidance; plus generous rate and captivating conveyances.
reply by A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE on 19-Jul-2016
My blessings, enjoy the journey, Maureen*&*