Vision and Sound: Their Stories
Viewing comments for Chapter 64 "Families Being Formed"Two souls that meet as strangers on earth.
12 total reviews
Comment from Deborah Marie
This is another wonderful chapter in your Novel. Nice imagery. Great progression, rhythm and flow. Good connecting lines from one paragraph to another. Deb
This is another wonderful chapter in your Novel. Nice imagery. Great progression, rhythm and flow. Good connecting lines from one paragraph to another. Deb
Comment Written 11-Jan-2015
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Very good chapter. It's sad that they are dying, but they must die so they may live again. You handled a difficult scene verrrry well, Mikey, and I'm glad I didn't review this earlier, because now I have sixes again. :)
Very good chapter. It's sad that they are dying, but they must die so they may live again. You handled a difficult scene verrrry well, Mikey, and I'm glad I didn't review this earlier, because now I have sixes again. :)
Comment Written 11-Jan-2015
Comment from CR Delport
Knowing history and having had first hand experience is not the same. History books never tell the full story. Julia and Valerius sure can use a miracle about now. Another well crafted chapter.
Have a great day.
Knowing history and having had first hand experience is not the same. History books never tell the full story. Julia and Valerius sure can use a miracle about now. Another well crafted chapter.
Have a great day.
Comment Written 11-Jan-2015
Comment from Sasha
Sorry, but I am out of 6's. This is an emotionally packed chapter and you have done a superb job with it. I am thrilled you plan a Book 2 and possibly 3. I am really enjoying this one and anxiously look forward to the next chapter.
Sorry, but I am out of 6's. This is an emotionally packed chapter and you have done a superb job with it. I am thrilled you plan a Book 2 and possibly 3. I am really enjoying this one and anxiously look forward to the next chapter.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015
Comment from Jay Squires
What if when God when faced with what to do with the soul of Caiaphas, [You've probably corrected this by now, since I've been late in reviewing it, but I believe you want to remove the first "when" and add a comma after God.]
He spoke to them both. "They wish to be married along with Lourdes and myself. [I hope I'm not the only one confused by this sentence. I assume Cassius is speaking to Trellitia and Abramus, only because the latter two were in the previous paragraph. But who is the "They" who ALSO wish to be married along with Lourdes and himself?]
It's gotta end soon, Mikey! You've done a helluva job with this novel. I hope you try to publish the entire series.
What if when God when faced with what to do with the soul of Caiaphas, [You've probably corrected this by now, since I've been late in reviewing it, but I believe you want to remove the first "when" and add a comma after God.]
He spoke to them both. "They wish to be married along with Lourdes and myself. [I hope I'm not the only one confused by this sentence. I assume Cassius is speaking to Trellitia and Abramus, only because the latter two were in the previous paragraph. But who is the "They" who ALSO wish to be married along with Lourdes and himself?]
It's gotta end soon, Mikey! You've done a helluva job with this novel. I hope you try to publish the entire series.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015
Comment from seaglass
This deserves six stars, I should wait till tomorrow to post review.
You took us to a gentle end. it's the only thing that worked this time. You made us love these characters and if you had killed them violently we would have been rushing to your house to break you legs.
I liked the bit about the betrayal of Christ. It's easy to judge those of that time but according to scripture any cruelty we do to another human is done to Christ.
This deserves six stars, I should wait till tomorrow to post review.
You took us to a gentle end. it's the only thing that worked this time. You made us love these characters and if you had killed them violently we would have been rushing to your house to break you legs.
I liked the bit about the betrayal of Christ. It's easy to judge those of that time but according to scripture any cruelty we do to another human is done to Christ.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015
Comment from Nosha17
This is the rightful outcome for this chapter of your epic story. It is sad but a good conclusion. Excellent story. Most enjoyable as always. Faye
This is the rightful outcome for this chapter of your epic story. It is sad but a good conclusion. Excellent story. Most enjoyable as always. Faye
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015
Comment from flylikeaneagle
Michael: In James, the priests and elders pray and use olive oil for healing. Your priests can pray, all the people can pray together and be healed. I like the wedding celebrations coming up. Mysteries...well written. I think this series is the keeper!
Great characters and action. flylikeaneagle
Michael: In James, the priests and elders pray and use olive oil for healing. Your priests can pray, all the people can pray together and be healed. I like the wedding celebrations coming up. Mysteries...well written. I think this series is the keeper!
Great characters and action. flylikeaneagle
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015
Comment from Adri7enne
"Valerius came over with his bedding and LAID down next to Julia. "How is my wife TO BE doing,Cicero?" LAY - past tense of LIE, as in TO LIE DOWN. WIFE-TO-BE, as one word, otherwise one tends to thing of it as a misplaced verb.
Sounds like a sad ending for some of your characters. Must have been a pretty dark time during the plagues. Good job.
"Valerius came over with his bedding and LAID down next to Julia. "How is my wife TO BE doing,Cicero?" LAY - past tense of LIE, as in TO LIE DOWN. WIFE-TO-BE, as one word, otherwise one tends to thing of it as a misplaced verb.
Sounds like a sad ending for some of your characters. Must have been a pretty dark time during the plagues. Good job.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015
Comment from gypsycaravan
I like the idea of the Celebration of Life at a sad or grieving time. That is the way I have always done with the passing of a loved one, the way you would want for them if you were the one who died. If only in today's world, people absorbed lonely and "lone" people into their family circles when they have none. There would be less loneliness, less depression, less abuse, along with more concern, more caring and more love. Very loving chapter, mikey.
I like the idea of the Celebration of Life at a sad or grieving time. That is the way I have always done with the passing of a loved one, the way you would want for them if you were the one who died. If only in today's world, people absorbed lonely and "lone" people into their family circles when they have none. There would be less loneliness, less depression, less abuse, along with more concern, more caring and more love. Very loving chapter, mikey.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2015